Today’s Exponential Rate of Change Demands We Adapt


For today’s blog we turn to Jari Hämäläinen, the Director of Terminal Automation for Kalmar, an international shipping concern specializing in terminal automation and energy-efficient container handling.

Hamalainen writes: “In a world of exponential development, well-run established companies are actually the ones that are most at risk while new entrants shake up the business models. Most often, the biggest change happens in the creative crossing of existing industries.”

Is your business doing enough to challenge and disrupt, or are your waiting to choose to be disrupted?

Hamalainen writes: “Exponential growth will open new, disruptive opportunities for all of us, but will also challenge our assumptions (regarding) how our business works….The progress will help us improve the performance, quality and safety of our systems.”

Constant change has been a staple in the business process for time immemorial. It’s the rate of change, however, that should concern business owners. What were once innovations, like fax machines, are now obsolete. At the core of this increase is connectivity. Information travels faster than ever, and if you’re not keeping up you’re falling behind.

The transition to a digital economy epitomizes this breakneck rate of change better than anything, and all roads to the digital economy on Long Island run through 1025Connect. Because it’s Long Island's premier colocation interconnection facility, 1025Connect's clients benefit from a multitude of cloud-based platforms and ISPs competing for their business as well as direct access to subsea cables connecting Long Island to the worldwide web and bypassing NYC.

Call me today to learn how you can ensure your business is not left behind. 631-678-6193. In the meanwhile, if you want to read the rest of Mr. Hamalainen’s article you can find it here.


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